You guessed it. Shawn broke his foot and sprained his ankle last night playing basketball. How many injuries has he sustained as a result of this sport? I've lost track.
He'll go back to the ortho on Thurs once the swelling goes down.
And I PRAY for a speedy recovery. I never signed up to have THREE kids!!!
(And thanks Howie for helping him out last night)
Oh YIKES! Prayers going out right now for a quick and complete, uncomplicated recovery!
I've been in your shoes - Chris tore his Achilles tendon playing basketball with the boys one night after work. I got a call from him that he was on his way to the ER for a "badly sprained ankle" which turned out to be the torn tendon, which turned out to require major surgery and 3 months at home, casted, flat on his back with his foot elevated higher than his heart, followed by 3 months of PT. :P NOT fun!!
Hope Shawn isn't in too much pain, too, and YOU hang in there as well!
Howie told me to tell you to tell Shawn (following so far) that if it makes him feel better- Howie woke up an eensy bit sore this morning. LOL.
.....He's got his crayolas out as we speak. :-)
That SUCKS! hope he heals quickly! In the meantime I guess you gotta get use to waiting on him huh? ;-)
OUCH!!! Best of Luck Sue, in the following days!
Oh my goodness, I am so sorry! Does he have to have surgery? I hope all is well. Let me know if you need anything.
Oh my goodness, I am so sorry! Does he have to have surgery? I hope all is well. Let me know if you need anything.
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