
...and he's OFF!!!!!

We'd known he was close. He's been traveling backwards for several weeks. So yesterday, I kept the camera close by just in case! And BAM...he took off!!!


Heather said...

Woo-hoo! Go Cullen! Mobility achieved! :)

Hope you guys are having a great Thanksgiving weekend!

terilynnh2000 said...

That's our boy!!! Wow!! He looks so proud! :)Our whole family was just cheering him along as we watched.

Life with my BOYS! said...

Yay Cullen!!!! Such a FUN time! Look out Christmas tree!

Colette said...

Very cute! I love that! Julian loved that toy he was crawling too! It is so cute to see them when they are first crawling! You wait...I see a walker in your very near future! If he is anything like Julian I give it 2 weeks!!! Hold on girl! LOL Hugs

Rebecca said...

Way to go Cullen. What a big accomplishment that is.

Paulette said...

So very exciting!!!!! Yay Cullen!!