
Gabi's Zoo Party

Alex had a great time this afternoon at Gabi's 4th birthday party. It was at the Seneca Park Zoo where the kids enjoyed hearing a story, making a craft and petting some animals. Gabi received some adorable presents and then everyone enjoyed pizza and cake! We were rushed for time and only saw a few animals, but I hear the other kids cooled off by splashing in the stream afterwards.

We later checked in on grandpa who was doing somewhat better. He is still experiencing a great deal of chest pain so they are hoping he is not gearing up for another one. During our visit, Alex kept busy with crafts and doing Daddy's hair.

Today is also the anniversary of my own's father's death. He died in the same hospital in 1995 of cardiac arrest. Brings back a lot of memories :-(


terilynnh2000 said...

Love the post!!! ;) We are so worried for Bill. It must have been difficult for you to be at the hospital today. I'll pray extra hard for you all tonight.


Colette said...

Oh Sue...I am so sorry your FIL is not feeling well. He is in our prayers. Please know that your dad is looking down on you giving you the strength to get though the day! Hugs and Blessings

Jodie said...

Please keep me posted. I'm here to take Alex if you need me! We're praying for Bill and the whole family.

Life with my BOYS! said...

Sue~My thoughts are with you today and I pray for all of you as you shoulder this illness.

Scott and Becky said...

Thoughts and prayers with you and your family. btw loved the pics

Shell said...

(((Sue))) Thinking of you.