
The Pepper Cat

As if this cat wasn't ugly enough, Alex took it upon herself to give Pepper a haircut! The good news is that after a year of trying to teach her to cut...apparently she can now do so. And the haircut I am guessing was a result of Alex getting some unknown gooey stuff all down Pepper's back. I am thinking when she couldn't get it off, she dediced a haircut was the only way to hide the evidence. Poor, poor Pepper!


Paulette said...

Poor Pepper!!!!

Scott and Becky said...

I can't believe that Pepper let her do it! At least it wasn't her own hair!

Jodie said...

Oh my gosh that is too funny! Just wait, if she's anything like my nieces, she'll chop a big chunk out of her bangs a few days before school pictures. All three of them did that at about the same age and they have these funny school pictures with hair missing in the front. Thank goodness it grows back!

Sue said...

No, she is far too vain for that, even at 4. She loves her long hair!

terilynnh2000 said...

Look at you, always looking on the bright side! What good news that she can cut. :) Tee Hee. Knowing Pepper, she loved every second of it.

Life with my BOYS! said...

Hey, I just read an article about teaching kids to cut, it said to roll play-doh into a thin sheet and let them cut that. It is easier since the play-doh sheet has some stability to it as opposed to the flimsy paper!

Kudos to pepper for being such a good sport!

wsweden said...

My friend's daughter cut her own hair after watching Mulan. Mulan cut her hair to become a warrior. It was quite the haircut!