
Tuesday Afternoon Catch-Up

I really miss being here. I miss writing. The days I had time get lost in thought and reflection. I am sorry that I have not the energy nor the ambition to share anything remotely enlightening or thought provoking. But those days are gone, at least for now. And I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. Instead this is what I can share,

Kids are doing well. Alex and Shawn are just getting over the most violent tummy bug I've ever seen.

School is on break, so Alex is enjoying some time home with her brother. Cullen, on the other hand, is ready to send her back!

Cullen is really changing all of the sudden. He is off the bottle and milk. He runs all over. Loves wrestling and playing ball. Jabbers away endlessly. Says many, many words...including unprompted "thank you's".

Cullen has also attached himself to me like a growth lately. If mom's home, he must be attached to my hip or leg. He is like the proverbial ball and chain. My mother-in-law commented that he looked a bit "oversized" for the wrap I wear him in. But my gosh...my arms physically can't hold him that long! And God forbid I leave his line of sight. Oh the drama.

We've also been busy on some home improvement projects. Alex had her room redone before Easter. Peter Pan. Thankfully there are some creative artists on ebay! It's adorable and I hope to get around to taking some photos. But that would require I actually get all her laundry put away and not have it stacked on her bed and dresser. In due time.

Shawn also decided to tare out all of the trim work up stairs and replace it with more decorative stuff. He is 90% done with that.
Besides the trim upstairs, Shawn is talking about ripping out the stuff downstairs. And in addition, now talks include replacing all the windows himself, rebuilding the deck, putting up a shed, pouring concete for a patio and siding the house. Obviously it is not possible to do all of this at the same time. He just needs to gain some focus. Could someone please pass on some ADHD meds. He could clearly use them!

Me, I am still trying to kick this respitory thing. We are going on three weeks now. And 3 days of which, I had no voice at all. Try getting your kids to take your threats seriously when you can't speak! Talk about a joke.

But all in all, I am holding my own. Trying to prioritize my time, which means less time on the computer. Attempting any time saving measure I can think of. If you have any tips....please let me know.

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